Please fill out the form as completely as possible for proper registration. Should you fill out this form on behalf of a colleague, then please make sure the participant is well informed about the consent that is given concerning the General Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy.


Training Electrical Drives Characteristics on 12th and 13th March 2025

Company details

Personal details

Details for invoicing purposes

For this training course we use the book Design of Propulsion and Electric Power Generation Systems as a reference. If you or your company own a copy (also previous editions), please feel free to bring your own copy. 

Due to delivery problems we cannot provide you with a copy unfortunately. 

Additional information

General terms and conditions and privacy policy

The General Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of Netherlands Maritime Technology apply to this activity.

Please note that by registering for this training course, you agree with the processing of your personal details for the organisation of this training course.

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