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Abstract Submission

The Organizing Committee of Emotions 2023 is delighted to invite abstract submissions for the Emotions 2023 conference. 

All abstract submissions will be reviewed by members of the Organizing Committee. Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be e-mailed to the corresponding author by June 2023. 

Emotions 2023 welcomes three types of abstract submissions:

1. Poster: This submission format involves a visual presentation of the latest findings based on quantitative and/or qualitative data collected and analyzed at the time of submission. 

2. Individual talk: An individual presentation of the latest findings based on quantitative and/or qualitative data. Individual talks that are accepted will be grouped together by the Organizing Committee to form coherent symposia of 60 or 80 minutes. Individual talks have a typical time allocation of 15 minutes (including Q&A). 

3. Symposium: A focused session providing an in-depth perspective on an active research area within the broad field of emotion science. Sessions include a chair, three to four presenters, and a discussant (optional). Symposia are scheduled in 80-minute time slots and should allow time for questions from the audience either after each talk or at the end of the session.



The submission of abstracts has been closed. 



Posters, individual talks, and symposia should be submitted through the online Emotions 2023 submission portal HERE. When preparing an abstract, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Posters and Individual talks require an abstract up to a maximum of 1500 characters including spaces. Poster and individual talk abstracts are encouraged to use the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
  2. Symposia require a general description of the symposium up to a maximum of 1500 characters including spaces as well as abstracts for the individual talks with a maximum of 1500 characters. The talk abstracts should use the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
  3. For all submission types:
    1. Please select at least one keyword relating to the content and to the methods associated with the submission.
    2. Proofread your submission! Accepted submission summaries will be included in the conference app as-is.
    3. All correspondence about submissions will be sent to the presenting author. Please provide the email address that the corresponding author will be contactable on post-submission.


All poster and individual talk submissions must include:

  • Title: The title should be succinct and descriptive. Please use Title Case (e.g., Your Awesome Poster or Individual Talk at Emotions 2023!). 
  • Author names: Please use the following format: “Jane Doe, Richard Doe, and Janie Doe” 
  • Author affiliations: Please enter the correct (official) institutional affiliation without acronyms – e.g., Tilburg University (but not: TiU or University of Tilburg)
  • Abstract including Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions  (1500 characters)
  • Corresponding author e-mail 


All symposium submissions must include:

  • Symposium title: The title should be succinct and descriptive. Please use Title Case (e.g.,  Your Awesome Symposium at Emotions 2023!).  
  • Symposium abstract (1500 characters) 
  • Chair and co-chair (if desired) of symposium
  • List of presenting authors 
  • Discussant of the symposium (Optional, only relevant for symposia with 3 talks) 
  • For each talk:
    • Title 
    • Author names  
    • Author affiliations (to be redacted at submission) 
    • Abstract including Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions  (1500 characters)
  • Corresponding symposium chair e-mail 

Abstract submission closed


Venue address
Tilburg University
Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology
Dante building
Warandelaan 2
5037 AB Tilburg